Reg No: Fak 3 2007/204


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Faculty Board of Social and Life Sciences
Political Science

Reading List

Valid from autumn semester 2007


Course Code: SVGA17
European Studies, 15 Credits
(Europakunskap, 15 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Bachelor
Progression Level: A

Continuity and Change in Europe

Bengtsson, Rickard. Historisk brytpunkt i Europa. SNS.

George, Stephen Bache, Ian. Politics in the European Union. Oxford University Press, 2006.

Hettne, Björn. Från Pax Romana till Pax Americana - Europa och världsordningen. Santérus, 2003.

Additional material
Additional material may be used.

Further European Studies and Essaywriting

Goldman, Kjell. Övernationella idéer, EU som ideologiskt projekt.. SNS.

Additional material

Additional litterature (approx 600 p) in accordance with the essaywriting.

Approved by Faculty Board of Social and Life Sciences, 21 March 2007


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