Reg No: HS 2018/32


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Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences

Course Reading

Social Change

Valid from autumn semester 2018


Course Code: SOGA70
Course Title: Social Change
Social förändring
Credits: 30
Degree Level: Bachelor

Social Change in Relation to Age and Demographic

Dribe, Martin och Stanfors Maria. Demografins grunder. Stockholm: SNS, 2015. Pages: 94.

Katz, Stephen. Disciplining old age. Charlottesville, Va: University Press of Virginia, 1996. Utdrag s 69–76. (Från kap 2, The elderly population and the modern life course). Pages: 8.

Krekula, Clary och Johansson, Barbro (red) . Introduktion till kritiska åldersstudier. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2017. Pages: 190.

Tornstam, Lars. Åldrandets socialpsykologi. Stockholm: Norstedts, 2010. Utdrag s 63–77. (Från kap. 4, Den yttre ramen – samhällsnivån). Pages: 15.

Scientific articles
Kohli, Martin. "The Institutionalization of the Life Course: Looking Back to Look Ahead". Rerearch in human development. 2007. 4(3–4). 253–271. Pages: 18.

Krekula, Clary. "Age coding: On age-based practices of distinction". International Journal of Ageing and Later Life. 2009. 4(2). 7-31. Pages: 20.

Laslett, Paul. "The emergence of the Third Age". Aging and Society. 1987. 7. 133–160. Pages: 27.

Riley, Mathilda.W. "On the significance of age in sociology". American Sociological Review. 1987. 52(1).1–14. Pages: 14.

Reference Literature

Fangen, Katrine. Deltagande observation. Malmö: Liber, 2005. Pages: 320.

Additional litterature may be added according to the teacher.

Media, Technology and Social Space Changes

Björkvall, Anders. Den visuella texten. Multimodal analys i praktiken. Stockholm: Hallgren och Fallgren, 2009. Pages: 176.

Gripsrud, Jostein. Mediekultur Mediesamhälle. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2011. Pages: 435.


Reference Literature

Bourdieu, Pierre. Om televisionen; följd av Journalistikens herravälde. Stockholm: Brutus Östling, 1998. Pages: 128.

Sontag, Susan. Att se andras lidande. Stockholm: Brombergs, 2004. Pages: 157.

Global Perspectives and Processes

En interaktiv världskarta.

Appadurai, Arjun. Modernity at large. Cultural dimensions of globalization. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Kapitel 1-2. Pages: 47.

Beck, Ulrich. Risksamhället. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2000. Pages: 398.

de la Reguera, Erik. Gränsbrytarna. Stockholm: Norstedts, 2014. Pages: 423.

Jensen, Tommy & Tollefsen, Aina. Globalisering. Malmö: Liber, 2012. Pages: 120.

Scientific articles
Eriksson, B G & Hummelvoll, J K. "To live as mentally disabled in the risk society". Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 2012/19. sid 594-602.

Isaksen, L.W, Devi, S.U. & Hochschild, A.R.. "Global Care Crisis: A problem of Capital, Care Chain, or Commons?". American behavioral Scientist. 2008. 52. 405–425.

Moffitt, B. "How to Perform Crisis: A Model for Understanding the Key Role of Crisis in Contemporary Populism". Government and Opposition. 2015. 50. 189–217.

Mudde, C. & Kaltwasser, C.R. "Exclusionary vs. Inclusionary Populism: Comparing Contemporary Europe and Latin America". Government and Opposition. 2015. 48. 147–174.

Reference Literature

Therborn, Göran. Världen. En inledning. Malmö: Liber, 2012. Pages: 240.

Scientific articles
Oliver, J.R. & Rahn, W.M. "Rise of the Trumpenvolk: Populism in the 2016 Election". ANNALS, AAPSS. 2015. 667. 189–206.

Oskarsson, M. & Demker, M. "Room for Realignment: The Working Class Sympathy for Sweden Democrats". Government and Opposition. 2015. 50. 4. 629–651.

Additional litterature may be added according to the teacher.

Public Sociology

Brante, Thomas. Den professionella logiken. Hur vetenskap och praktik förenas i det moderna samhället. Stockholm: Liber AB, 2014. Pages: 360.

Garsten,Christina, Rothstein, Bo & Svallfors, Stefan. Makt utan mandat. Stockholm: Dialogos förlag, 2015. Pages: 295.

Hviid Jacobsen, Michael (ed). Public Sociology – Proceedings of the Anniversary Conference Celebrating Ten Years of Sociology in Aalborg. Aaalborg: Aalborg University Press, 2008. Pages: 180.

Johannisson, Bengt, Gunnarsson, Ewa & Stjernberg, Torbjörn (red). Gemensamt kunskapande - den interaktiva forskningens praktik. Växjö: Växjö University Press, 2008. Pages: Valda delar, ca 100.

Wright Mills C. Den sociologiska visionen. Malmö: Arkiv förlag, 2002. Pages: 207.

Reference Literature

Ahrne, Göran, Roman, Christine & Franzén, Mats. Det sociala landskapet. En sociologisk beskrivning av Sverige från 1950-talet till början av 2000-talet. Göteborg: Korpen, 2008. Pages: 352.

Clawson, Dan mfl (red). Public Sociology. Berkley: University of California Press, 2007. Pages: 275.

Collins, Randall. Den sociologiska blicken: att se bortom det uppenbara. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2008. Pages: 208.

Eriksson-Zetterquist, U., Kalling, T. & Styhre, A. Organisation och organisering. Malmö: Liber, 2012. Pages: 220.

Revised 2013-02-26
Revised 2013-06-17
Revised 2014-06-23
Revised 2014-08-20
Revised 2014-09-26
Revised 2015-06-25
Revised 2017-01-23
Revised 2017-06-08
Revised 2018-06-26


Approved by the Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 26 June 2018