Reg No: HNT 2018/6


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Faculty Board of Health, Science and Technology
Public Health Science

Course Reading

Health Promotion

Valid from autumn semester 2018


Course Code: FHAHP1
Course Title: Health Promotion
Hälsopromotion - att främja hälsa
Credits: 7.5
Degree Level: Master

Lavarack, Glenn (Ed.) (2004). Health Promotion Practice. Power and Empowerment. London: Sage Publications. Pages: 176.

Naidoo Jennie & Wills, Jane (2016). Foundations for Health promotion. Edition 4. London: Elsevier. Pages: 340.

Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO). Milestones in Health Promotion. Köpenhamn: WHO. Pages: 35.

Wilkinson, Richard., Pickett, Kate. (2011). Jämlikhetsanden. Därför är mer jämlika samhällen nästan alltid bättre samnhällen. Stockholm: Karneval Förlag (Pocketutgåva från originaltitel från 2009). Pages: 360.

Reference Literature

Askheim, Ole Petter & Starrin, Bengt (Red.) 2007. Empowerment i teori och praktik. Malmö: Glerups Utbildning AB. Pages: 234.

Cross, Ruth., Woodall, James., Green, Jackie & Tones, Keit. (2015). Health Promotion. Planning and strategies. London: SAGE Publications. Pages: 640.

Forsman, Birgitta, Olsson, Ulf & Lander, Rolf. (2010). Pedagogik i hälsofrämjande arbete. Finns i E-format. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.

Korp, Peter. (2016). Vad är hälsopromotion?. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Pages: 166.

Nutbeam Don, Harris Elisabeth. & Wise Marilyn. (2010). Theoory in a Nutshell. A Practical Guide to Health promotion theories. Edition 3. Australia: Mac Graw Hill Medical. Pages: 81.

Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO), Rootman Irving, Goodstedt Michael, Hyndman Brian, McQueen David V., Potvin Louise, Springett Jane & Zigleo Erio (Eds.). (2001). Evaluation in Health Promotion. Principle and Perspective. Köpenhamn: WHO Regional Publications, European Series, No 92. Pages: 561.


Approved by the Faculty Board of Health, Science and Technology, 9 May 2018