Reg No: HNT 2018/10


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Faculty Board of Health, Science and Technology
Risk Management

Course Reading

Risk Management Theory

Valid from spring semester 2018


Course Code: RHAD02
Course Title: Risk Management Theory
Teoribildning inom riskhantering
Credits: 7.5
Degree Level: Master

Andersson Ragnar och Nilsen Per (red). Personsäkerhet - Teori och praktik. Karlstad: MSB, 2015.

Becker Per och Ullberg Baez Susann (red). Katastrofriskreducering – Perspektiv, praktik, potential. Studentlitteratur, 2016. Pages: 419.

Olofsson Anna och Öhman Susanna. Risker i det moderna samhället – samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Studentlitteratur, 2009. Pages: 290.

Aven Terje. The risk concept - historical and recent development trends. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 99:33–44 2012.

Breivik Gunnar. Trends in adventure sports in a post-modern society. Sport in Society, 2010. 13, 260-273.

Hansson Sven-Ove. Philosophical Perspectives on Risk. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 8. 2004. no. 1:10-35.

Loimer Hermann och Guarnieri Michael. Accidents and acts of God: a history of the terms. American Journal of Public Health, 86(1), 1996. 101-107.

Olsen Odd Einar, Kruke Björn Ivar och Hovden Jan. Societal Safety: Concept, Borders and Dilemmas. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 15:69-79, 2007.

Reference Literature

Althaus Catherine E. A disciplinary perspective on the epistemological status of risk. Risk Analysis, 25:567-588 2005.

Hansson Sven-Ove och Aven Terje. Is Risk Analysis Scientific? Risk Analysis. 2014. 34:1173-1183.

Hermansson Helene. Värdering av olycksrisker - Fyra kunskapsområdens syn på riskvärdering. Karlstad: MSB, 2009.

Renn Ortwin. Concepts of Risk: An Interdisciplinary Review. Part 1: Disciplinary Risk Concepts. GAIA, 2008. 17(1):50-66.

Renn Ortwin. Concepts of Risk: An Interdisciplinary Review. Part 2: Integrated approaches. GAIA, 2008. 17(2):196-204.

Räddningsverket. Handbok för riskanalys. Statens räddningsverk, 2003. ISBN 91-7253-178-9.


Approved by the Faculty Board of Health, Science and Technology, 9 January 2018