Reg No: HS 2017/31


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Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences
Tourism Studies

Course Reading

Production and consumption in tourism

Valid from spring semester 2018


Course Code: TVGT21
Course Title: Production and consumption in tourism
Produktion och konsumtion inom turism
Credits: 7.5
Degree Level: Bachelor

Ek, Richard & Hultman, Johan. Plats som produkt, kommersialisering och paketering. Edition 1. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2007. Pages: 294.

MacCannell, Dean. The Tourist: a new theory of the leisure class. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.

Mansvelt, Juliana. Geographies of Consumption. London: SAGE Publications, 2005. Pages: 208.

Mossberg, Lena. Att skapa upplevelser - från OK till WOW!. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2015. Pages: 176.

Urry, John. The tourist gaze. London: SAGE Publications, 2011. Pages: 296.

Yeoman, Ian. Tomorrow´s Tourist. Scenarios & Trends. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pages: 335.

Övrig litteratur kan tillkomma utifrån lärares anvisningar.

Hjalager A-M. A review of innovation research in tourism. Progress in Tourism Management. Vol. 31. Sid. 1-12.

Hjalager, A-M & Nordin, S. User-driven Innovation in Tourism - A review of Methodologies. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. 2011. Vol. 12:4. Sid. 289-315.


Approved by the Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 30 May 2017