Dnr: HS2017/44


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Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap


Genusvetenskap IV

Gäller från och med ht 2017


Kurskod: GVAD20
Kursens benämning: Genusvetenskap IV
Gender Studies IV
Högskolepoäng: 30 hp
Utbildningsnivå: avancerad nivå

Gender studies 4

The Gender Workbook. Red. Reiff Hill, M & Mays, J. via Its Learning.

b. binaohan. Decolonising Trans/gender 101. Toronto: Biyuti, 2014. Chapters via Its Learning.

Beasley, C. Gender and Sexuality: Critical Theories, Critical Thinkers. London: Sage, 2005. 175-240. Ebook in library.

Butler, J. Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge, 1991. Specific chapters via Its Learning.

Butler, J. Undoing Gender. New York: Routledge, 2005. Specific chapters via Its Learning.

Cotten, T. Transgender Migrations: The Bodies, Borders and Politics of Transition. 2012. Chapters via Its Learning.

Coyote, I E & Rae, S. Gender Failure. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014. Chapters via Its Learning.

Salamon, G. Assuming a Body. Transgender and Rhetorics of Materiality. New York: Columbia UP. Chapters via Its Learning.

Serano, J. Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and The Scapegoating of Femininity. 2007. Chapters via Its Learning.

Straube, W . Trans Cinema and its Exit Scapes. A Transfeminist Reading of Utopian Sensibility and Gender Dissidence in Contemporary Film. Linköping: Linköping UP, 2014. Availble online.

Kapitel i bok
Clare, E. "Body Shame, Body Pride: Lessons from the Disability Rights Movement". I: The Transgender Studies Reader 2. Red. Stryke, S & Aizura, A Z. New York and London: Routledge, 2013. 261-265. via Its Learning.

Mellström, U. "The cultural construction of masculinity amongs working-class Malaysian Chinese in the intersection av race, class and gender". I: Gender Inequalities. Gendering Asia Book Series. Red. Rydstrom, H. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2010. via Its Learning.

Spade, D & Willse, C. "Norms and normalization". I: The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory. Red. Dish, L & Hawkesworth, M. New York: Oxford University Press. via Its Learning.

Stone, Sandy . "The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto". I: Transgender Studies Reader 1. Red. Stryker, S & Whittle, S. 2006. 221-235. via Its Learning.

Stryker, S . "“My Words to Victor Frankstein Above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage". I: Transgender Studies Reader 1. Red. Stryker, S & Whittle, S. 2006. 244-256. via Its Learning.

Aboim S. 2016. "Trans-masculinities, embodiments and the materiality of gender: Bridging the gap ". Norma: international Journal for Masculinity Studies. 11:4. 225-263. via Its Learning.

Beasley, C.. 2008. "‘Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World’". Men and Masculinities. 11(1), October 2008. 86-103. via Its Learning.

Beasley, C.. 2015. " ‘Libidinal Heterdoxy: Heterosexuality, Hetero-masculinity and “Transgression” ". Men and Masculinities. 18(2), June 2015. 140-158. via Its Learning.

Christensen, A-D & Qvortrop Jensen. 2014. "Combining hegemonic masculinity and intersectionality". Norma: international Journal for Masculinity Studies. 9:1. 60-75. via Its Learning.

Connell, R . 2014. "Margin becoming centre: for a world-centred rethinking of masculinities". Norma: international Journal for Masculinity Studies. 9:4. 217-231. via Its Learning.

Connell, R. and Messerschmidt, J. 2005. " ’Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept’". Gender & Society. 19(6) December 2005. 829-859.

Gottzen, L & Straube, W. 2016. "Introduction: Trans masculinities". Norma: international Journal for Masculinity Studies. 11:4. 217-224. via Its Learning.

Hoel. A. 2015. "From`difference' to complexity in men and masculinity studies: exploring research methods". Norma: international Journal for Masculinity Studies. 10:1. 5-19. via Its Learning.

Krieg, J. 2013. "A Social Model of Trans and Crip Theory. Narratives and Strategies in the Redefinition of the Pathologized Trans Subject". lambda nordica. 3/4-2013. 33-53. via Its Learning.

Louie, K. 2014. "Chinese masculinity studies in the twenty-first century: Westernizing, Easternizing and globalizing 'wen' and 'wu'". Norma: international Journal for Masculinity Studies. 9:1. 18-29. via Its Learning.

Mellström, U. 2016. "From a Hegemonic Politics of Masculinity to an Ontological Politics of Intimacy and Vulnerability? Ways of Imagining through Karen Barad's Work". Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge. no 30. ISSN 1555-9998. via Its Learning.

Methods and Methodologies

Frank, A W. Letting Stories Breathe. A socio-narratology. Chicago: Chicago UP, 2010. Specific chapters via Its Learning.

Ramazanoglu, C & Holland, J. Feminist Mathodology. Challanges and Chioces. London: Sage, 2005. (Main focus on the Introduction and then chapter 5 and 8)

Richardson, L. Fields of Play. Constructing an Academic Life. Rutgers: Rutgers UP , 1997. Specific chapters via Its Learning.

Mellström, U. "Whats on the first page...? A discussion of the reciprocal making of an ethnography". Chapters via Its Learning.



Bui, Y N. How to write a master´s thesis. Sage, 2013.

Murray, R. How to write a thesis. Maidenshead: Open University Press, 2012.

Rienecker L & Stray Jorgensen, ?. Att skriva en bra uppsats. Johanneshov: MTM.

Kapitel i bok
Johannisson, B., Gunnarsson, E. & Stjernberg, T. "Kritisk reflektion och handling i interaktiv forskning". I: Gemensamt kunskapande: den interaktiva forskningens praktik. Red. Johansson A W. Växjö: Växjö university press, 2008.

Please note the literature below is a selection of the literature used for the module. Additional literature will be added by the teachers.


Fastställd av Fakultetsnämnden vid Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2017-03-23