Reg No: HS 2017/29


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Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences
Human Geography

Course Reading

Identities and Cultures

Valid from autumn semester 2017


Course Code: KGA510
Course Title: Identities and Cultures
Identiteter och kulturer
Credits: 7.5
Degree Level: Master

Aronsson Lars, Bjälesjö Jonas & Johansson, Susanne (red). Kulturell ekonomi. Skapande av värden, platser och identiteter i upplevelsesamhället. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2007. Pages: 51. Chapter 1, pages 15-39, Chapter 4 sid107-134 read intensively.

Aronsson, Lars. "Kultur som platsskapare - Kreativ klass och cultural planning i regionalt samhällsbyggande". In: Det regionala samhällsbyggandets praktiker. Tiden rummet makten. Edited by Mitander, T. Säll, L & Öjehag-Petterson, A. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2013. Pages: 19.

Arvidsson, Markus & Johansson, Sara. 2017. Roll och identitet. En socialpsykologisk introduktion. Gleerups. Pages: 176.

Berg, M. Självets garderobiär: självreflexiva genuslekar och queer socialpsykologi. Diss. Lunds universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 2008.

Cresswell, T. Place and introduction. Wiley Blackwell Publisher. Second edition, 2015. Pages: 193. Chapter 2 and 3 read intensively and extensively remaining chapters.

Holloway, Lewis. & Hubbard, Phil. People and place. The extraordinary geographies of everyday life. Prentice Hall, 2001. Pages: 251. Chapter 4 and 5, pages 112-115 read intensively.

Massey, D. & Jess, P. (eds). A place in the world? Place, cultures and globalization. Oxford: The Open University. Oxford University Press, 1995. Pages: 185.

Riksantikvarieämbetet. Plats, drivkraft, samhällsprocess. Vad gör kulturarvet till en resurs för hållbar regional utveckling?. Rapport Riksantikvarieämbetet 2003:7. Pages: 68.

Seamon, David. & Sowers, Jacob. "Place and Placelessness, Edward Relph". In: Key Texts in Human Geography. Edited by Hubbard, P., Kitchen, R., Vallentine, G. Sage: London, 2008. Pages: 9.

Reference Literature

Relph, E. 1976. Place and placelessnes. London: Pion. Pages: 159.

Tuan, Yi-Fu. 2002. Space and place. The perspective of Experience. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Pages: 203.

Other materials of teachers' instructions.


Approved by the Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 14 March 2017