Reg No: HS 2015/59


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Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences
Gender Studies

Course Reading

Gender Studies III

Valid from spring semester 2017


Course Code: GVGC20
Course Title: Gender Studies III
Genusvetenskap III
Credits: 30
Degree Level: Bachelor

1. Genderstudies theory development

Haraway, Donna. Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science . (2013). s. 1 - 5. Pages: 5.

Hooks, Bell. Introduction to Black Looks: Race and Representation. Boston: South End Press, (1992). s. 1-7. Pages: 7.

Chapter in a book
Ah-King, Malin. "Queer Nature: Towards a Non-Normative View on Biological Diversity". In: Body Claims. Edited by Janne Bromseth, Lisa Folkmarson Käll & Katarina Mattsson. Uppsala: Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, (2009).

Alaimo, Stacey och Hekman, Susan. "Introduction: Emerging Models of Materiality in Feminist Theory". In: Material Feminisms. Edited by Alaimo, Stacy och Hekman, Susan. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2008. 1-19.

Butler, Judith. . "Introduction". In: Judith Butler Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex. New York: Routledge, (1993). s. 1-16. . Pages: 16.

Fausto-Sterling, Ann. "How to Build a Man". In: Maurice Constructing Masculinity. Edited by Berger, Brian Wallace and Simon Watson. New York: Routledge, (1995). s: 127-135. (2015-12-15). Pages: 7.

Fox Keller, Evelyn. 1989, . "The Gender/Science System: Or, is Sex to Gender as Nature is to Science". In: Feminism and Science. Edited by Nancy Tuana. s. 33 -45. Pages: 12.

Gill, Rosalind. "Postfeminist media culture?". In: Gender and the Media. Malden, MA: Polity, (2007). Chap. 8, s. 249-271. Pages: 22.

Halberstam, J. Jack. "Animating Revolt/Revolting Animation: Penguin Love, Doll Sex and the Spectacle of the Queer Nonhuman". In: Queering the Non/Human. . Edited by Noreen Giffney and Myra Hird. Ashgate, (2008). s. 265 – 282. Pages: 17.

Haraway, Donna. "The Cyborg Manifesto". In: Haraway, Simians, Cyborgs and Women. (1990). s. 149 - 181. Pages: 32.

Laqueur, Thomas. "Destiny is Anatomy". In: Thomas Laqueur. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge, Mass:: Harvard University Press, (1990). s. 25-35. . Pages: 11.

Birke, Linda, Mette Bryld, Nina Lykke. "Animal Performances. An Exploration of Intersections between Feminist Science Studies and Studies of Human/Animal Relationships". I: Feminist Theory . (2004):5(2). s. 167 - 183.. Pages: 16.

Hird, Myra. (2006). "AnimalTransex". I: Australian Feminist Studies. 21 (49): . s. 35-50. Pages: 15.

McRobbie, Angela. (2004). "Post-feminism and popular culture". Feminist Media Studies. 4(3). s. 255-64. .

Mortimer-Sandilands, Catriona. "Unnatural Passions? Toward a Queer Ecology". Invisible Culture. Issue 9, 2005. (2015-12-15).

Arnell, Malin and Pablo Zuleta Zahr. Sporing Lips of Transposed Desire, Video Work, 3:38 min. (2011). desire/ (2015-12-15).

2. Genderstudies analysis

Ahmed, Sara. Politics of Emotion. s. 1-16, 191 – 203. (access via library)

Ramazanoglu, C. & Holland, J. Feminist methodology: challenges and choices. London: SAGE Publications, (2002). (selected chapters).

Richardson, Laurel. Fields of Play. Constructing an Academic Life. Rutgers: Rutgers UP , (1997). sid 131 - 173.

Straube, Wibke. Trans Cinema and its Exit Scapes. (2014). s. 29- 72. Pages: 43.

Chapter in a book
Johansson, Anders W. "Kritisk reflektion och handling i interaktiv forskning ". In: Gemensamt kunskapande: den interaktiva forskningens praktik. Edited by Johannisson, B., Gunnarsson, E. & Stjernberg, T. Växjö: Växjö University Press, (2008). sid 17-34.

Mellström, Ulf, . The Cultural Construction of Masculinity among Working-class Malaysian Chinese.

Mellström, Ulf, “'What’s on the first page... ?' A discussion of the reciprocal making of an ethnography. "What’s on the first page... ?". In: A discussion of the reciprocal making of an ethnography. (available at itslearning)


Colebrook, C. Gender. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, (2004).

Lykke, N. Genusforskning: en guide till feministisk teori, metodologi och skrift. Edition 1. Stockholm: Liber, (2009).

Lykke, N. (red.). Writing academic texts differently: intersectional feminist methodologies and the playful art of writing. London: Routledge, (2014).

Rienecker, L. & Stray Jørgensen, P. (2014). Att skriva en bra uppsats. Johanneshov: MTM. .

Widerberg, K. Kvalitativ forskning i praktiken. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2002.

Reference literature
Språkrådet. Svenska skrivregler. Edition 3, utökad utg. Stockholm: Liber AB, (2008).

Reference Litteratur

Literature can be added according to the teacher's instructions


Approved by the Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 12 December 2016