Reg No: HS 2017/47


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Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences

Course Reading

Organizing, interaction and society

Valid from autumn semester 2017


Course Code: SOAE60
Course Title: Organizing, interaction and society
Organisering, interaktion och samhälle
Credits: 7.5
Degree Level: Master

Jackall, Robert. Moral Mazes. The world of corporate managers. Oxford: University Press, 2010.

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. Men and women of the corporation. Edition 2 ed. New York: BasicBooks, 1993. Pages: 390.

Simmel, Georg. Conflict: The web of group-affiliations. Glencoe: Free Press, 1955. Pages: 195.

Whyte, William Foote. Street Corner Society: den sociala strukturen i en italiensk-amerikansk slumstadsdel. Malmö: Ègalité, 2010. Pages: 489.

Chapter in a book
Hochschild, A.R. "Kärlek och guld". In: Det sociala livets emotionella grunder. Edited by Wettergren, Å. Starrin B. & Lindgren, G. . 2008. 167-186.

Nedelmann, Birgitta. "The Continuing Relevance of Georg Simmel: Staking Out Anew ". In: Handbook of Social Theory . Edited by Georg Ritzer and Barry Smart. London: Sage, 2001. Pages: s 66-80.

Scott, Alan. "Georg Simmel – the individual and the organization". In: The Oxford handbook of sociology and organization studies: classical foundations. Edited by Paul Adler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pages: s 268-290.

Czarniawska, B. "Om organisering: Att införa ordning och att berätta om den ". In: En teori om organisering. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Weick, K. E. "An introducition to Organizing". In: The Social Psychology of Organizing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.

Reference Literature

Pease, Bob. Undoing Privilege. London: Zed Books Ltd, 2010. Pages: 226.

Sager, Maja. Everyday clandestinity : experiences on the margins of citizenship and migration policies . Lund: Media-Tryck, 2011. Pages: 261.

Literature will be added under the teacher's instructions.

Revised 2015-06-22
Revised 2016-06-27
Revised 2017-09-05


Approved by the Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 5 September 2017