Dnr: HS2014/7


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Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap


Understanding Customer Experience

Gäller från och med vt 2015


Kurskod: FEAD72
Kursens benämning: Understanding Customer Experience
Understanding Customer Experience
Högskolepoäng: 6 hp
Utbildningsnivå: avancerad nivå

Cialdini, R. B. Influence: Pearson New International Edition Science and Practice. London: Pearson Education Limited, 2013. Antal sidor: 272.

Kapitel i bok
Echeverri, P. Edvardsson, B. Gustafsson, A. Kristensson, P. Magnusson, J. Service Encounter Analysis Based on Customer Retrospection, In Involving Customers in New Service Development. London: Imperial Collage Press, 2007.

Knapp, M. L. Hall, J. A. Nonverbal Communication, Chapter 1: Basic Perspectives, in Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction. Upplaga 8. Belmont, Carlifonia : Wadsworth, 2014.

Wilson, T. D. Gilbert, D. T. In: Zanna, M. P (ed). Affective forecasting. Waterloo, Ontario: Academic Press. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. 2003/35. 345-411.

Vetenskapliga artiklar
Bitner, M.J. "Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees". Journal of Marketing. 1992/Vol. 56/ No. 2. 57-71.

Echeverri, P. Salomonson, N. Åberg, A. "Dealing with customer misbehaviour Employees´tactics, practical judgement and implicit knowledge". Marketing Theory. 2012/12/4. 427-449.

Echeverri, P. Skålén, P. "Co-creation and co-destruction: A practice-theory based study of interactive value formation". Marketing Theory. 2011/11/3. 351-373.

Guevarra, D. A. Howell, R. T. To have in order to do: Exploring the effects of consuming experiential products on well-being. Journal of consumer psychology.

Olivier, R. L. A Cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 1980. 460-469.

Pareigis, J. Customer experiences of resource integration: Reframing servicescapes using scripts and practices. Karlstad : Karlstad university, 2012.

Pareigis, J., Echeverri, P. and Edvardsson, B. "Exploring internal mechanisms forming customer servicescape experiences". Journal of Service Management. 2012/Vol. 23 /No. 5. 677-695.


Fastställd av Fakultetsnämnden vid Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, 2014-09-03