Reg No: HS 2013/3


Logotype of Karlstad University

Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences
Working Life Science

Reading List

Valid from spring semester 2014


Course Code: AVGC60
Working Life Science C, 30.0 Credits
(Arbetsvetenskap C, 30.0 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Bachelor

Theory of Working Life Science

Bergqvist T, Gillberg G, Ivarsson L (red). Arbete: passion och exploatering. Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet. Arbetsliv i omvandling 2011:3. Pages: 192.

Hochschild AR. The time bind. When work becomes home and home becomes work. New York: Holt Paperbacks, 2001. Pages: 316.

Compendium will be added.

Journal articles will be added.

Reference literature
Ackroyd S & Thompson P. Organisational misbehaviour. Sage publications, 1999.

Karlsson J Ch. Begreppet arbete. Definitioner, ideologier och sociala former. Lund: Arkiv, 1986.

Research Methods

Djurfeldt G, Larsson R & Stjärnhagen O. Statistisk verktygslåda - samhällsvetenskaplig orsaksanalys med kvantitativa metoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2003.

Ejlertsson G. Enkäten i praktiken. En handbok i enkätmetodik. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2005.

Strauss A, Corbin J. Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, Californien: Sage, 2008.

Compendium will be added

Reference literature
Aspers P. Etnografiska metoder. Malmö: Liber, 2007.

Layder D. Sociological practice. Linking theory and social research. London: Sage.

Minor Thesis in Working Life Science

Reference literature
Backman J. Rapporter och uppsatser. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2008.

Lantz A. Intervjumetodik. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2007.

Layder D. Sociological practice. Linking theory and social research. London: Sage, 1998.

Patel R & Davidson B. Forskningsmetodikens grunder - Att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2003.

Schött K m fl. Studentens skrivhandbok. Last edition. Stockholm: Liber.

Svenska språknämnden. Svenska skrivregler. Last edition. Stockholm: Liber.

Approved by Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 9 December 2013


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