Reg No: HS 2013/13


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Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences

Reading List

Valid from autumn semester 2013


Course Code: NGGB44
GIS III, Data input to GIS, 7.5 Credits
(GIS III, Indata till GIS, 7.5 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Bachelor

Eklund, S. Arbeta i projekt: individen, gruppen, ledaren. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2011. Pages: 180.

Harrie, L., Arnberg, W. Geografisk informationsbehandling - teori, metoder och tillämpningar. Edited by Harrie, L. Last edition. Stockholm: Forskningsrådet Formas, 2008. pp 100. Pages: 299.

Zeiler, Michael. Modeling our world. Redlands, California: ESRI Press, 1999. pp 35. Pages: 200. Electronic book (pdf)

Approved by Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 8 October 2013


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Tel +46-54-700 10 00  Fax +46-54-700 14 60