Reg No: HS 2013/8
Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences
EconomicsReading List
Valid from spring semester 2013
Course Code: NEAD16
Economic Growth/Macroeconomics, 7.5 Credits
(Ekonomisk tillväxt/Makroekonomi, 7.5 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Master
Acemoglu, Daron & Robinson, James A. Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. Edition 2012. Crown Publishers. Available via as a "Kindle book" but could be downloaded to Iphone and/or Android mobile phones, and read on computers or tablets with Google Chrome.Banerjee, Abhijit V & Duflo, Esther. Poor Economics. Edition 2012. Public Affairs. Available via as a "Kindle book" but could be downloaded to Iphone and/or Android mobile phones, and read on computers or tablets with Google Chrome.
Easterly, William. The Elusiv Quest for Growth - Economists´ Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics. Edition 2001. The MIT Press. Available via as a "Kindle book" but could be downloaded to Iphone and/or Android mobile phones, and read on computers or tablets with Google Chrome.
Weil, David, N. Economic Growth. Last edition. Pearson International.
Approved by Faculty Board of Arts and Social Sciences, 28 February 2013
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