Reg No: FAK3 2012/35
Faculty Board of Social and Life Sciences
ClimateReading List
Valid from autumn semester 2012
Course Code: CCGA08
Nordic Climate Change Studies, 15.0 Credits
(Norden och klimatförändringar, 15.0 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Bachelor
Bolin Bert. A history of the Science and politics of climate change. Cambridge University Press, UK. 2007. Pages: 274.Brown Lester. World on the edge – How to prevent environmental and economic collapse. New York, USA: WW Norton & Co, 2011. Pages: 256.
Climate Change and Cultural Heritage in the Nordic Countries. Köpenhamn: Nordic Council of Ministers TemaNord 2010:599, 2011. Pages: 53.Climate Change and Energy Systems – Impacts, Risks and and Adaptation in the Nordic and Balltic Countrie. Köpenhamn: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2012. TemaNord 2011:502. Pages: 220.
Reference LiteratureDokument från FN:s klimatpanel (IPCC) . Delrapport 1: The Physical Science Basis of Climate Change. 40 sidor. Delrapport 2: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. 40 sidor. Delrapport 3: Mitigation of Climate Change. 56 sidor. Syntesrapport. 48 sidor.
Life on Lake Vänern, Vättern and Mälaren. Lake Vänern´s Society for Water Conservation. Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund. Pages: 16.
Swedens environmental objectives. Swedish environmental objectives council. Naturvårdsverket/Swedish EPA (environmental protection agency), 2009.
Blumenthal, Barbara. När Vänern svämmade över. Händelseutveckling och konsekvenser av översvämningen 2000/2001. Karlstad: Universitetstryckeriet, Centrum för klimat och säkerhet 2010:1, 2010. Pages: 52.
Nesje Atle, Bakke Jostein, Dahl Svein Olaf Dahl, Lie Oyvind, Matthews John A. Norwegian mountain glaciers in the past, present and future. 2008. Global Planetary Change. 10-27.
Additional articles may be added
Approved by Faculty Board of Social and Life Sciences, 6 September 2012
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