Reg No: FAK4 2012/4


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Faculty Board of Arts and Education

Reading List

Valid from autumn semester 2012


Course Code: MIGIE1
The Ergonomics of Music Making and Learning I, 7.5 Credits
(Musikutövandets och lärandets ergonomi I, 7.5 Swedish credit points)
Degree Level: Bachelor

Tensions in the Performance of Music - A Symposium . Edited by Carola Grindea. London: Kahn & Averill, 1998. ISBN 1-871082-59-5 . Pages: 204.

Barlow, Wilfred. The Alexander Principle. London: Vista förlag, 1998. ISBN 0 75284 390 7 . Pages: 60.

Pierce Jones, Frank. A technique for musicians.

Reference Literature

R. Putz, R. Pabst. Sobotta -Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 1: Head, Neck. ISBN 9780443103483.

Robert S. Behnke. Kinetic Anatomy. Human Kinetics förlag.

Vladimir Janda. Muskelfunktionsdiagnostik. Studentlitteratur.

Approved by Faculty Board of Arts and Education, 17 August 2012


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