Dnr: Fak 1, 2012/6


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Fakulteten för ekonomi, kommunikation och IT


Gäller från och med ht 2012


Kurskod: NEAD26
Beteendeekonomi, 7.5 hp
(Behavioural Economics, 7.5 ECTS)
Utbildningsnivå: avancerad nivå

Wilkinson, N. & Klaes, M. An introduction to behavioral economics. Palgrave MacMillan, 2007.

Ytterligare vetenskapliga artiklar kan tillkomma under kursen.

Binmore, K., Shaked, A.. Experimental economics: Where next?. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 73(1): 87-100, 2010.

Croson, R. Gneezy, U. Gender Differences in Preferences. Journal of Economics Literature, 47(2): 448-74, 2009.

Daruvala, D. Would the right social preference model please stand up!. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 73(2): 199-208, 2010.

Frey, B. Stutzer, A.. What Can Economists Learn from Happiness Research?. Journal of Economic Literature 40(2): 402-435.

Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J.L., Thaler, R. Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking: Entitlements in the Market. The American Economic Review 76(4): 728-741, 1986.

List, J. On the interpretation of giving in dictator games. Journal of Political Economy 115(3): 482-493, 2007.

McFadden, D. Rationality for economists. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 19(1-3): 73-105, 1999.

Smith, V. L.. Theory and experiment: What are the questions? . Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 73(1): 3-15, 2010.


Fastställd av Fakultetsnämnden vid Fakulteten för ekonomi, kommunikation och IT, 2012-05-10


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